The app is not fully operational due to limited funding to support the main database. Sorry.
When there is no limits
Native Desktop App from your Webapp.

Satisfy users by building native desktop app from your webapp within minutes, with no developers or code. With Limitss gain trust in your app more than ever.


Build Process

Here is the guide to the complete setup of your desktop app.

Setup icon and URL

First Step

Setup icon and URL

Pick an appropriate icon, and select a URL that points to the desired web application home screen.

Fill in the details

Second Step

Fill in the details

Head over to the setup page enter the details and customize your app from the many options available. Then build your app.

Download Artifacts

Third Step

Download artifacts

When the build is complete, installer of your app for Mac, Linux, and Windows will be available for download.

Fourth Step

App Distribution

Distribute your app to your users, and they will be able to install it on their desktops.

Build Process


All power, no pain.
Limitss allows you to build native desktop apps from your webapp for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Compatible With

All website builders.
Any tech stack.
Compatible with any tech stack or integration. If it works with a web browser, it works with Limitss.

Try Limitss Alpha

Join us to try the alpha to get early and free access to Limitss and help us build the best product possible.




A plan that scales with your rapidly growing business.

    What's included?
  • Windows .msi native installer.
  • Plus native installers for Linus and Mac OS.
  • You can create unlimited apps.
  • 2000 monthly build minutes at least.
  • Support.